december 14-15, 2023, almaty, bishkek, moscow, tashkent
International conference
«Universities and Climate Change. the SCO Territory»

december 14-15, 2023, almaty, bishkek, moscow, tashkent
International conference
«Universities and Climate Change. the SCO Territory»
30+ cases
Best Practices on the Announced Themes
4 Cities + online
In-person events will take place in Almaty, Bishkek, Moscow, and Tashkent.
Virtual Participants from Universities of SCO Countries
Participating Universities from SCO Countries

"The Global Risks Report" of the World Economic Forum 2023 introduces a new term to characterize the current era:
"Poly-crisis". This is a condition based on the intertwining of various risks - from climate change to economic shocks and social instability.
The goal of the International Conference "Universities and Climate Change: SCO Territory" is -
to create a unified platform for dialogue between universities and the business community of the SCO countries for joint problem-solving in the climate crisis, sharing advanced practices and innovative developments in the field of carbon footprint reduction and sustainable development.
The International Conference "Universities and Climate Change: SCO Territory" invites all interested parties — from business representatives and government entities to students and academics — to collaboratively shape a public demand for a green agenda, seek and implement new approaches to adaptation to climate change, and formulate policies reflecting the interests of all stakeholders involved.
In an era where the world faces insurmountable barriers in the form of climate changes and social challenges, universities are becoming key arenas for devising strategies to address these issues. Higher education institutions assume a pivotal role in shaping contemporary values and strategies aimed at tackling ecological and societal challenges.

The International Conference "Universities and Climate Change: SCO Territory" serves as a platform for intellectual interaction among businesses, governments, and the scientific community from SCO countries, facilitating the discussions on reaching national and corporate goals in the climate agenda and decarbonization.

The conference seeks to address the following questions:
  • What are the existing formats for strategic collaboration between businesses, universities, and governments in achieving state and corporate low-carbon development goals?
  • What practical and strategic benefits can a university gain from engaging in the "green" agenda?
  • What competencies are required for businesses to implement ESG strategies and improve non-financial reporting, for the financial sector to "green" portfolios, and for governments to carry out national decarbonization strategies? How can these competencies be cultivated in modern students?
  • What opportunities do business and universities have within the framework of cooperation with colleagues from SCO countries in the climate direction?
The event will be held in a hybrid format on December 14-15, 2023, with physical venues in Almaty, Bishkek, Tashkent, and Moscow, complemented by an online broadcast available worldwide.

*SCOShanghai Cooperation Organisation, an international organisation with members including India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The International Conference "Universities and Climate Change. SCO Territory" presents a series of sessions, each aiming to explore various aspects of this issue in different cities:

  • The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD)
    The International Conference "Universities and Climate Change. SCO Territory" is included in the event plan of The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD), held with the support of UNESCO.
Conference Partners

  • The Conference Directorate - ANO ACADEMY 2030.
    Academy 2030 – an expert-analytical and educational center in the field of green economy and sustainable development.

    To contact the Directorate:

  • Become a Conference Partner
    Conference Partner – a prestigious status granted to companies and organizations actively implementing principles and strategies of sustainable development and ESG. This status not only affirms the leadership positions in this sphere but also offers effective tools for business promotion during the event.

    Development of individual participation formats -

© International conference «Universities and Climate Change. the SCO Territory»
© Academy 2030
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